home / fornax / fornax-v4-0 / src / moving / movegen.hpp


//  movegen.hpp
//  fornax3
//  Created by Anders on 17/12/2020.

#ifndef movegen_hpp
#define movegen_hpp

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "../board.h"
#include "../bits.h"
#include "../move.h"
#include "oracle.hpp"

template<direction dir>
static constexpr bits64 movegen_find_muggles(bits64 bits) {
  switch (dir) {
    case N: case E: case NW: case NE:
      return oracle_get_slide<dir>(bits_get_trailing(bits | BB_MSB));
    case W: case SW: case S: case SE: {
      return oracle_get_slide<dir>(bits_get_leading(bits | BB_LSB));

template<direction dir>
static constexpr bits64 movegen_muggle_slide(square sq, bits64 occupants) {
  bits64 ray = oracle_get_slide<dir>(sq);
  bits64 raymask = occupants & ray;
  bits64 blocker_ray = movegen_find_muggles<dir>(raymask);
  return ray ^ blocker_ray;

template <piecetype type>
static constexpr bits64 movegen_get_attacks(square sq, bits64 occupants) {
  switch (type) {
    case KING:
      return oracle_get_king_attacks(sq);
    case KNIGHT:
      return oracle_get_knight_attacks(sq);
    case BISHOP:
      return movegen_muggle_slide<NE>(sq, occupants)
             | movegen_muggle_slide<SE>(sq, occupants)
             | movegen_muggle_slide<SW>(sq, occupants)
             | movegen_muggle_slide<NW>(sq, occupants);
    case ROOK:
      return movegen_muggle_slide<N>(sq, occupants)
             | movegen_muggle_slide<E>(sq, occupants)
             | movegen_muggle_slide<S>(sq, occupants)
             | movegen_muggle_slide<W>(sq, occupants);
    case QUEEN:
      return movegen_muggle_slide<NE>(sq, occupants)
             | movegen_muggle_slide<SE>(sq, occupants)
             | movegen_muggle_slide<SW>(sq, occupants)
             | movegen_muggle_slide<NW>(sq, occupants)
             | movegen_muggle_slide<N>(sq, occupants)
             | movegen_muggle_slide<E>(sq, occupants)
             | movegen_muggle_slide<S>(sq, occupants)
             | movegen_muggle_slide<W>(sq, occupants);
      return 0;

static inline bits64 movegen_get_attacksf(piecetype type, square sq, bits64 occupants) {
  switch (type) {
    case KING: return movegen_get_attacks<KING>(sq, occupants);
    case KNIGHT: return movegen_get_attacks<KNIGHT>(sq, occupants);
    case BISHOP: return movegen_get_attacks<BISHOP>(sq, occupants);
    case ROOK: return movegen_get_attacks<ROOK>(sq, occupants);
    case QUEEN: return movegen_get_attacks<QUEEN>(sq, occupants);
    default: assert(false);
  return 0;

template <color active>
static constexpr bits64 movegen_get_pawn_attack_mask(bits64 o_pawns) {
  bits64 up =  bits_shift<active ? S : N>(o_pawns);
  bits64 east = (bits_shift_guarded<W>(up));
  bits64 west = (bits_shift_guarded<E>(up));
  return east | west;

template <piecetype type, color active>
static constexpr bits64 movegen_get_attackmask(bits64 pieces, bits64 occupants) {
  bits64 attacks = 0;
  while (pieces) {
    square sq = bits_pop_trailing(&pieces);
    attacks |= movegen_get_attacks<type>(sq, occupants);
  return attacks;

template <piecetype type>
static constexpr void movegen_add_attacks(evalmove **cursor, bits64 pieces, bits64 occupants, bits64 legal) {
  while (pieces) {
    square origin = bits_pop_trailing(&pieces);
    bits64 attacks = movegen_get_attacks<type>(origin, occupants) & legal;
    while (attacks) {
      square dest = bits_pop_trailing(&attacks);
      *(*cursor)++ = MOVE_CREATE(origin, dest);

static constexpr void movegen_add_pawn_promotions(evalmove **cursor, move m) {
  *(*cursor)++ = MOVE_ADD_PROMOTION(m, QUEEN);
  *(*cursor)++ = MOVE_ADD_PROMOTION(m, KNIGHT);
  *(*cursor)++ = MOVE_ADD_PROMOTION(m, ROOK);
  *(*cursor)++ = MOVE_ADD_PROMOTION(m, BISHOP);

template <color active>
static constexpr void movegen_add_pawn_pushes(evalmove **cursor, bits64 a_pawns, bits64 occupants, bits64 o_checkers) {
  constexpr int8_t modifier = active ? -8 : 8;
  constexpr int8_t doublemodifier = active ? -16 : 16;
  constexpr square promotionrank = active ? 1 : 6;
  constexpr bits64 double_push_rank = active ? BB_RANK7 : BB_RANK2;

  bits64 shifted = bits_shift<active ? N : S>(~occupants);
  bits64 push = a_pawns & shifted;
  bits64 doublepush = push & bits_shift<active ? N : S>(shifted) & double_push_rank;
  if (o_checkers) {
    bits64 o_checkers_shifted = bits_shift<active ? N : S>(o_checkers);
    bits64 o_checkers_shifted2 = bits_shift<active ? N : S>(o_checkers_shifted);
    push &= o_checkers_shifted;
    doublepush &= o_checkers_shifted2;
  while (doublepush) {
    square origin = bits_pop_trailing(&doublepush);
    square dest = (square) (origin + doublemodifier);
    *(*cursor)++ = MOVE_CREATE(origin, dest);
  while (push) {
    square origin = bits_pop_trailing(&push);
    square dest = (square) (origin + modifier);
    move pawn_push = MOVE_CREATE(origin, dest);
    if (SQUARE_Y(origin) == promotionrank) movegen_add_pawn_promotions(cursor, pawn_push);
    else *(*cursor)++ = pawn_push;

template <color active>
static constexpr void movegen_add_unquiet_pawn_promotions(evalmove **cursor, bits64 a_pawns, bits64 occupants) {
  constexpr int8_t modifier = active ? -8 : 8;
  constexpr bits64 promo_starting_rank = active ? BB_RANK2 : BB_RANK7;

  bits64 shifted = bits_shift<active ? N : S>(~occupants);
  bits64 push = a_pawns & shifted & promo_starting_rank;
  while (push) {
    square origin = bits_pop_trailing(&push);
    square dest = (square) (origin + modifier);
    move promo = MOVE_CREATE(origin, dest);
    *(*cursor)++ = MOVE_ADD_PROMOTION(promo, QUEEN);
    *(*cursor)++ = MOVE_ADD_PROMOTION(promo, KNIGHT);

template <color active, bool go_east = true, bool go_west = true>
static constexpr void movegen_add_pawn_captures(evalmove **cursor, bits64 a_pawns, bits64 o_occupants) {
  constexpr int8_t eastmodifier = active ? -7 : 9;
  constexpr int8_t westmodifier = active ? -9 : 7;
  constexpr square promotionrank = active ? 1 : 6;

  bits64 up =  bits_shift<active ? N : S>(o_occupants);

  if (go_east) {
    bits64 east = a_pawns & (bits_shift_guarded<W>(up));
    while (east) {
      square origin = bits_pop_trailing(&east);
      square dest = (square) (origin + eastmodifier);
      move push = MOVE_CREATE(origin, dest);
      if (SQUARE_Y(origin) == promotionrank) movegen_add_pawn_promotions(cursor, push);
      else *(*cursor)++ = push;
  if (go_west) {
    bits64 west = a_pawns & (bits_shift_guarded<E>(up));
    while (west) {
      square origin = bits_pop_trailing(&west);
      square dest = (square) (origin + westmodifier);
      move push = MOVE_CREATE(origin, dest);
      if (SQUARE_Y(origin) == promotionrank) movegen_add_pawn_promotions(cursor, push);
      else *(*cursor)++ = push;

template<direction dir>
static constexpr void movegen_add_pinned_slides(evalmove **cursor, bits64 pinned, bits64 occupants, bits64 illegal) {
  constexpr direction opp = dir_opposite<dir>();
  while (pinned) {
    square origin = bits_pop_trailing(&pinned);
    bits64 attacks = (movegen_muggle_slide<dir>(origin, occupants) | movegen_muggle_slide<opp>(origin, occupants)) & illegal;
    while (attacks) {
      square dest = bits_pop_trailing(&attacks);
      *(*cursor)++ = MOVE_CREATE(origin, dest);

template<direction dir>
static constexpr bits64 movegen_get_sliding_checker(square kingsquare,
                                            bits64 occupants,
                                            bits64 o_sliders) {
  bits64 ray = oracle_get_slide<dir>(kingsquare);
  bits64 next_ray_targets = ray & occupants;
  if (!next_ray_targets) return 0;
  square popential_checker = bits_pop_directional<dir>(&next_ray_targets);
  if (BITS_TEST(o_sliders, popential_checker)) {
    /*also include squares between king and checker, which can be blocked*/
    return movegen_muggle_slide<dir>(kingsquare, o_sliders);
  return 0;

template<direction dir>
static constexpr bits64 movegen_find_pinned(square kingsquare,
                                    bits64 occupants,
                                    bits64 a_occupants,
                                    bits64 o_sliders) {
  bits64 ray = oracle_get_slide<dir>(kingsquare);
  bits64 next_ray_targets = ray & occupants;

  if (BITS_COUNT(next_ray_targets) < 2) return 0;
  square pin_candidate_square = bits_pop_directional<dir>(&next_ray_targets);
  square pinner_candidate_square =  bits_pop_directional<dir>(&next_ray_targets);

  bits64 pincandidate = BITS_FROM_SQUARE(pin_candidate_square) & a_occupants;
  return pincandidate * BITS_TEST(o_sliders, pinner_candidate_square);

static constexpr bits64 movegen_get_pinned(const Board* board, color col) {
  color opp = COLOR_OPPOSITE(col);
  const Side* a_side = &board->side[col];
  const bits64 a_occupants = a_side->piecemask;
  square a_kingsquare = bits_get_trailing(a_side->pieces[KING]);
  const Side* o_side = &board->side[opp];
  const bits64 o_bishops = o_side->pieces[BISHOP] | o_side->pieces[QUEEN];
  const bits64 o_rooks = o_side->pieces[ROOK] | o_side->pieces[QUEEN];
  const bits64 occupants = a_side->piecemask | o_side->piecemask;
  return movegen_find_pinned<N>(a_kingsquare, occupants, a_occupants, o_rooks)
  | movegen_find_pinned<E>(a_kingsquare, occupants, a_occupants, o_rooks)
  | movegen_find_pinned<S>(a_kingsquare, occupants, a_occupants, o_rooks)
  | movegen_find_pinned<W>(a_kingsquare, occupants, a_occupants, o_rooks)
  | movegen_find_pinned<NE>(a_kingsquare, occupants, a_occupants, o_bishops)
  | movegen_find_pinned<SE>(a_kingsquare, occupants, a_occupants, o_bishops)
  | movegen_find_pinned<SW>(a_kingsquare, occupants, a_occupants, o_bishops)
  | movegen_find_pinned<NW>(a_kingsquare, occupants, a_occupants, o_bishops);

static constexpr int movegen_get_check_count(square a_kingsquare, const Side* o_side, piecetype* checker) {
  int checks = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < o_side->attackmapsize; ++ i) {
    const Attackmap* curr = &o_side->attackkmaps[i];
    bool is_check = BITS_TEST(curr->bits, a_kingsquare);
    if (is_check) {
      *checker = curr->piece;
  return checks;

template <color active>
static void movegen_add_castling(evalmove **cursor, bits64 castlingrights, bits64 occupants, bits64 danger) {
  if (!castlingrights) return;
  if (active == WHITE) {
    bits64 situation = occupants | (danger & ~BITS_FROM_SQUARE(1));
    bits64 wcq  = (situation & BB_REQUIRED_EMPTY_WCQ) | (BB_RIGHTS_WCQ & castlingrights);
    if (wcq == BB_RIGHTS_WCQ) *(*cursor)++ = MOVE_WCQ;
    bits64 wck  = (situation & BB_REQUIRED_EMPTY_WCK) | (BB_RIGHTS_WCK & castlingrights);
    if (wck == BB_RIGHTS_WCK) *(*cursor)++ = MOVE_WCK;
  else {
    bits64 situation = occupants | (danger & ~BITS_FROM_SQUARE(57));
    bits64 bcq  = (situation & BB_REQUIRED_EMPTY_BCQ) | (BB_RIGHTS_BCQ & castlingrights);
    if (bcq == BB_RIGHTS_BCQ) *(*cursor)++ = MOVE_BCQ;
    bits64 bck  = (situation & BB_REQUIRED_EMPTY_BCK) | (BB_RIGHTS_BCK & castlingrights);
    if (bck == BB_RIGHTS_BCK) *(*cursor)++ = MOVE_BCK;

template <color active, bool generatequiet = true>
static uint8_t movegen_generate(const Board* board, evalmove moves[128]) {
  constexpr color opp = COLOR_OPPOSITE(active);
  evalmove *cursor = moves;

  const Plyinfo *info = board_get_currinfo(board);

  const Side* a_side = &board->side[active];
  const bits64* a_pieces = a_side->pieces;
  const bits64 a_king = a_pieces[KING];
  const bits64 a_knights = a_pieces[KNIGHT];
  const bits64 a_bishops = a_pieces[BISHOP] | a_pieces[QUEEN];
  const bits64 a_rooks = a_pieces[ROOK] | a_pieces[QUEEN];
  const bits64 a_pawns = a_pieces[PAWN];
  const bits64 a_occupants = a_side->piecemask;

  const Side* o_side = &board->side[opp];
  const bits64* o_pieces = o_side->pieces;
  const bits64 o_knights = o_pieces[KNIGHT];
  const bits64 o_bishops = o_pieces[BISHOP] | o_pieces[QUEEN];
  const bits64 o_rooks = o_pieces[ROOK] | o_pieces[QUEEN];
  const bits64 o_pawns = o_pieces[PAWN];
  const bits64 o_occupants = o_side->piecemask;

  const bits64 occupants = a_occupants | o_occupants;

  bits64 enpassant = info->enpassant;

  square a_kingsquare = bits_get_trailing(a_king);
  bits64 a_king_danger = o_side->attackmask;

  bits64 pins[8] = {
      movegen_find_pinned<N>(a_kingsquare, occupants, a_occupants, o_rooks),
      movegen_find_pinned<E>(a_kingsquare, occupants, a_occupants, o_rooks),
      movegen_find_pinned<S>(a_kingsquare, occupants, a_occupants, o_rooks),
      movegen_find_pinned<W>(a_kingsquare, occupants, a_occupants, o_rooks),
      movegen_find_pinned<NE>(a_kingsquare, occupants, a_occupants, o_bishops),
      movegen_find_pinned<SE>(a_kingsquare, occupants, a_occupants, o_bishops),
      movegen_find_pinned<SW>(a_kingsquare, occupants, a_occupants, o_bishops),
      movegen_find_pinned<NW>(a_kingsquare, occupants, a_occupants, o_bishops)
  const bits64 pins_total = pins[N] | pins[E] | pins[S] | pins[W] | pins[NE] | pins[SE] | pins[SW] | pins[NW];

  piecetype checker = piecetype::NONE;
  int check_count = movegen_get_check_count(a_kingsquare, o_side, &checker);

  if (check_count == 1) {

    bits64 o_checker_kill_or_block_map = 0;
    switch (checker) {
      case QUEEN:o_checker_kill_or_block_map =
          movegen_get_sliding_checker<NE>(a_kingsquare, occupants, o_bishops)
          | movegen_get_sliding_checker<SE>(a_kingsquare, occupants, o_bishops)
          | movegen_get_sliding_checker<SW>(a_kingsquare, occupants, o_bishops)
          | movegen_get_sliding_checker<NW>(a_kingsquare, occupants, o_bishops)
          | movegen_get_sliding_checker<N>(a_kingsquare, occupants, o_rooks)
          | movegen_get_sliding_checker<E>(a_kingsquare, occupants, o_rooks)
          | movegen_get_sliding_checker<S>(a_kingsquare, occupants, o_rooks)
          | movegen_get_sliding_checker<W>(a_kingsquare, occupants, o_rooks); break;
      case ROOK: o_checker_kill_or_block_map |=
          movegen_get_sliding_checker<N>(a_kingsquare, occupants, o_rooks)
          | movegen_get_sliding_checker<E>(a_kingsquare, occupants, o_rooks)
          | movegen_get_sliding_checker<S>(a_kingsquare, occupants, o_rooks)
          | movegen_get_sliding_checker<W>(a_kingsquare, occupants, o_rooks); break;
      case BISHOP: o_checker_kill_or_block_map =
          movegen_get_sliding_checker<NE>(a_kingsquare, occupants, o_bishops)
          | movegen_get_sliding_checker<SE>(a_kingsquare, occupants, o_bishops)
          | movegen_get_sliding_checker<SW>(a_kingsquare, occupants, o_bishops)
          | movegen_get_sliding_checker<NW>(a_kingsquare, occupants, o_bishops); break;
      case KNIGHT: o_checker_kill_or_block_map =
          movegen_get_attackmask<KNIGHT, active>(a_king, occupants) & o_knights; break;
      case PAWN: o_checker_kill_or_block_map =
          movegen_get_pawn_attack_mask<active>(a_king) & o_pawns; break;

    bits64 enpassant_checker = bits_shift<active ? S : N>(o_checker_kill_or_block_map) & enpassant;
    movegen_add_pawn_captures<active>(&cursor, a_pawns & ~pins_total, (o_occupants & o_checker_kill_or_block_map) | enpassant_checker);
    movegen_add_pawn_pushes<active>(&cursor, a_pawns & ~pins_total, occupants, o_checker_kill_or_block_map);
    movegen_add_attacks<KNIGHT>(&cursor, a_knights & ~pins_total, occupants, o_checker_kill_or_block_map);
    movegen_add_attacks<BISHOP>(&cursor, a_bishops & ~pins_total, occupants, o_checker_kill_or_block_map);
    movegen_add_attacks<ROOK>(&cursor, a_rooks & ~pins_total, occupants, o_checker_kill_or_block_map);
    movegen_add_attacks<KING>(&cursor, a_king, occupants, ~(a_king_danger | a_occupants));
  else if (check_count == 0) {
    bits64 legaldestinations = generatequiet ? ~a_occupants : o_occupants;

    /* moves allowed for pinned pieces */
    bits64 pawn_pinsE = active ? pins[SE] : pins[NE];
    bits64 pawn_pinsW = active ? pins[SW] : pins[NW];
    movegen_add_pawn_captures<active, true, false>(&cursor, a_pawns & pawn_pinsE, o_occupants | enpassant);
    movegen_add_pawn_captures<active, false, true>(&cursor, a_pawns & pawn_pinsW, o_occupants | enpassant);
    if (generatequiet) movegen_add_pawn_pushes<active>(&cursor, a_pawns & (pins[S] | pins[N]), occupants, 0);
    movegen_add_pinned_slides<NE>(&cursor, a_bishops & (pins[NE] | pins[SW]), occupants, legaldestinations);
    movegen_add_pinned_slides<SE>(&cursor, a_bishops & (pins[SE] | pins[NW]), occupants, legaldestinations);
    movegen_add_pinned_slides<N>(&cursor, a_rooks & (pins[N] | pins[S]), occupants, legaldestinations);
    movegen_add_pinned_slides<E>(&cursor, a_rooks & (pins[E] | pins[W]), occupants, legaldestinations);

    /* special check for horizontal rook attack on king during en passant capture */
    if (enpassant) {
      bits64 occupants_ep = occupants ^ bits_shift<active ? N : S>(enpassant);
      bits64 pins_ep = movegen_find_pinned<E>(a_kingsquare, occupants_ep, a_occupants, o_rooks)
                       | movegen_find_pinned<W>(a_kingsquare, occupants_ep, a_occupants, o_rooks);
      /* if so do not allow en passant captures */
      if ((pins_total | pins_ep) != pins_total) enpassant = 0;

    /* moves allowed for all non-pinned pieces */
    movegen_add_pawn_captures<active>(&cursor, a_pawns & ~pins_total, o_occupants | enpassant);
    if (generatequiet) movegen_add_pawn_pushes<active>(&cursor, a_pawns & ~pins_total, occupants, 0);
    else movegen_add_unquiet_pawn_promotions<active>(&cursor, a_pawns & ~pins_total, occupants);
    movegen_add_attacks<KNIGHT>(&cursor, a_knights & ~pins_total, occupants, legaldestinations);
    movegen_add_attacks<BISHOP>(&cursor, a_bishops & ~pins_total, occupants, legaldestinations);
    movegen_add_attacks<ROOK>(&cursor, a_rooks & ~pins_total, occupants, legaldestinations);
    if (generatequiet) movegen_add_castling<active>(&cursor, info->castlingrights, occupants, a_king_danger);
    movegen_add_attacks<KING>(&cursor, a_king, occupants, ~a_king_danger & legaldestinations);
  else {
    assert(check_count == 2);
    movegen_add_attacks<KING>(&cursor, a_king, occupants, ~(a_king_danger | a_occupants));

  return (uint8_t) (cursor - moves);

static inline uint8_t movegen_generatef(const Board* board, evalmove moves[128]) {
  return board->active
         ? movegen_generate<BLACK>(board, moves)
         : movegen_generate<WHITE>(board, moves);

#endif /* movegen_hpp */