home / fornax / fornax-v4-0 / src / search / search.cpp


//  search.cpp
//  fornax3
//  Created by Anders on 28/04/2019.
#include <thread>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "search.hpp"
#include "../tt/transpositions.hpp"
#include "../moving/movegen.hpp"
#include "../moving/movepick.hpp"
#include "../moving/makemove.hpp"
#include "../moving/derived_knowledge.h"
#include "../parsing.hpp"
#include "../libs/stopwatch.h"
#include "../libs/iolog.hpp"
#include "../eval_defs.h"
#include "../supplementary/time_management.hpp"

#define SEARCH_DEPTH_MAX 128

static std::atomic<bool> async_is_currently_searching (false);
static std::atomic<bool> async_is_stop_command_given (false);
static std::atomic<uint64_t> node_count(0);

static uint64_t betacuts = 0;
static uint64_t quiesceCount = 0;
#define DEBUG_STATS_INCREMENT_QS_COUNT quiesceCount++;
static uint64_t transpositionHits = 0;
#define DEBUG_STATS_INCREMENT_TT_HITS transpositionHits++;
static uint64_t transpositionCuts = 0;
#define DEBUG_STATS_INCREMENT_TT_CUTS transpositionCuts++;
static uint64_t nullcuts = 0;
#define RESET_STATS node_count = 1;\
betacuts = 0;\
quiesceCount = 0;\
transpositionHits = 0;\
transpositionCuts = 0;\
nullcuts = 0

#define RESET_STATS node_count = 1

typedef struct {
  move bestmove;
  move ponder;
  eval score;
  long duration_ms;
} SearchResult;

static inline uint64_t getnps(long duration) {
  long time = duration | 1;
  return ((node_count | 1) / (uint32_t) time) * 1000;

static inline void printline(Board* board, uint8_t depth, eval ev, move mov, long duration) {
  uint64_t nodes = node_count;
  IO_PRINT("info depth %d score cp %d nodes %" PRIu64 " nps %" PRIu64, depth, ev, nodes, getnps(duration));
  IO_PRINT(" tthits %" PRIu64, transpositionHits);
  IO_PRINT(" ttcuts %" PRIu64, transpositionCuts);
  IO_PRINT(" qnodes %" PRIu64, quiesceCount);
  IO_PRINT(" betacuts %" PRIu64, betacuts);
  IO_PRINT(" nullcuts %" PRIu64, nullcuts);
  IO_PRINT(" ");
  parsing_printpv(board, mov, depth);

static inline eval probe_tt(ttkey hash, move* ttmove, int depth, eval lower_bound, eval upper_bound) {
  Bucket* b = transpositions_get(hash);
  if (b->hash != hash) return EVAL_NONE;
  *ttmove = b->ttmove;
  if (b->depth >= depth) {
    tttype type = b->type;
    if(type == TT_TYPE_EXACT) return b->tteval;
    if(type == TT_TYPE_LOWER_BOUND && b->tteval <= lower_bound) return lower_bound;
    if(type == TT_TYPE_UPPER_BOUND && b->tteval >= upper_bound) return upper_bound;
  *ttmove = b->ttmove;
  return EVAL_NONE;

static inline move probe_tt_move(ttkey hash) {
  Bucket* b = transpositions_get(hash);
  return b->hash == hash ? b->ttmove : MOVE_NONE;

template <color active>
static constexpr bool ischeck(const Board* node) {
  constexpr color opp = COLOR_OPPOSITE(active);
  return node->side[active].pieces[KING] & node->side[opp].attackmask;

static inline bool is_repetition(const Board* board) {
  if (board_get_currinfo(board)->halfmovecount < 4) return false;
  if (board_get_currinfo(board)->halfmovecount >= 100) return true;
  ttkey hash = board_get_currinfo(board)->hash;
  uint8_t end = board->ply - REPETITION_HISTORY_SIZE;
  for (uint8_t i = board->ply - 2; i != end; i -= 2) {
    if (hash == board->plyinfo[i].hash) return true;
  return false;

template <color active>
static eval quiesce(Board* node, uint8_t depth, eval lower_bound, eval upper_bound) {
  constexpr color opp = COLOR_OPPOSITE(active);
  bool check = ischeck<active>(node);
  if (check) {
  else {
    eval pat = eval_evaluate(node);
    if (depth == 0) return pat;
    if (pat >= upper_bound) return upper_bound;
    if (pat > lower_bound) lower_bound = pat;
  evalmove moves[128];
  uint8_t size = movegen_generate<active, false>(node, moves);
  if (size == 0) {
    eval e = check ? EVAL_I_AM_CHECKMATED : lower_bound;
    return e;
  movepick_annotate_list<active>(node, moves, size, 0);
  for (uint8_t n = 0; n < size; ++n) {
    evalmove m = movepick_find_best(moves, size, n);
    if (!check && MOVE_VALUE(m) < EVAL_QUIESCE_LIMIT_VALUE) break;
    makemove_make<active>(node, (move) m);
    eval ev = -quiesce<opp>(node, depth - 1, -upper_bound, -lower_bound);
    makemove_takeback<opp>(node, (move) m);
    if (ev >= upper_bound) {
      return upper_bound;
    if (ev > lower_bound) {
      lower_bound = ev;
  return lower_bound;

template <color active>
static uint8_t late_move_reduction(uint8_t depth,
                                   piecetype p,
                                   evalmove mov,
                                   bool is_check,
                                   bool is_checkingmove) {
  if (depth < 2
      || is_check
      || is_checkingmove
      || (MOVE_VALUE(mov) >= EVAL_LMR_LIMIT_VALUE)) return 0;
  assert(p != NONE);
  square y = SQUARE_Y(MOVE_GET_ORIGIN(mov));
  bool is_advanced_pawn = p == PAWN && (active ? y < 5 : y > 2);
  if (is_advanced_pawn) return 0;
  return 1;

template <color active>
static eval search_node(Board* node, uint8_t depth, eval original_lower_bound, eval upper_bound, bool allow_null);

template <color active>
static inline eval null_search(Board* node, uint8_t depth, eval beta) {
  constexpr color opp = COLOR_OPPOSITE(active);
  uint8_t reduced = depth - 2;
  reduced -= depth / 5;
  eval ev = -search_node<opp>(node, reduced - 1, -beta, -beta + 1, false);
  return ev;

template <color active>
static eval search_node(
                        Board* node,
                        uint8_t depth,
                        const eval original_lower_bound,
                        const eval upper_bound,
                        const bool allow_null
                        ) {
  constexpr color opp = COLOR_OPPOSITE(active);
  if (depth == 0) {
    return quiesce<active>(node, 9, original_lower_bound, upper_bound);
  assert(depth > 0);
  if (is_repetition(node)) return eval_calculate_contempt(node);
  Plyinfo *info = &node->plyinfo[node->ply];
  move ttmove = 0;
  eval tteval = probe_tt(info->hash, &ttmove, depth, original_lower_bound, upper_bound);
  if (tteval != EVAL_NONE) {
    return tteval;
  bool check = ischeck<active>(node);
  evalmove moves[128];
  uint8_t size = movegen_generate<active>(node, moves);
  if (size == 0) {
    eval e = check ? (EVAL_I_AM_CHECKMATED - depth) : eval_calculate_contempt(node);
    return e;
  else if (size == 1) {
    makemove_make<active>(node, (move) moves[0]);
    eval ev = -search_node<opp>(node, depth, -upper_bound, -original_lower_bound, allow_null);
    makemove_takeback<opp>(node, (move) moves[0]);
    return ev;
  if (check) {
    if (node->side[opp].eval_material > EVAL_MATERIAL_VALUE_EXTEND_CHECK_THRESHOLD) {
  else if (depth <= 2 && upper_bound > EVAL_I_AM_CHECKMATED) {
    eval threshold = depth == 1 ? EVAL_PIECE_BISHOPS : EVAL_PIECE_ROOKS;
    eval ev = eval_evaluate(node) - threshold;
    if (ev > upper_bound) {
      return ev;
  else if (allow_null
           && depth > 2
           && node->side[active].eval_material > EVAL_MATERIAL_VALUE_NULL_THRESHOLD) {
    eval ev = null_search<active>(node, depth, upper_bound);
    if (ev >= upper_bound) {
      return upper_bound;
  movepick_annotate_list<active>(node, moves, size, ttmove);
  evalmove m = movepick_find_best(moves, size, 0);
  /*PVS: search pv move with full bounds*/
  makemove_make<active>(node, (move) m);
  eval ev = -search_node<opp>(node, depth - 1, -upper_bound, -original_lower_bound, false);
  makemove_takeback<opp>(node, (move) m);
  eval lower_bound = original_lower_bound;
  tttype tt_type = TT_TYPE_LOWER_BOUND;
  if (ev >= upper_bound) {
    transpositions_put(info->hash, depth, ev, (move) m, TT_TYPE_UPPER_BOUND);
    return ev;
  else if (ev > original_lower_bound) {
    lower_bound = ev;
    tt_type = TT_TYPE_EXACT;
  move critical_move = (move) m;
  for (uint8_t n = 1; n < size; ++n) {
    if (async_is_stop_command_given) return 0;
    m = movepick_find_best(moves, size, n);
    piecetype piece = node->piecemap[MOVE_GET_ORIGIN(m)];
    makemove_make<active>(node, (move) m);
    uint8_t reduction = late_move_reduction<active>(depth, piece, m, check, ischeck<opp>(node));
    ev = -search_node<opp>(node, depth - reduction - 1, -lower_bound - 1, -lower_bound, true);
    /*PVS: if outside bounds search again with full range*/
    if (ev > lower_bound && (ev < upper_bound || reduction > 0)) {
      ev = -search_node<opp>(node, depth - 1, -upper_bound, -lower_bound, false);
    makemove_takeback<opp>(node, (move) m);

    if (ev >= upper_bound) {
      transpositions_put(info->hash, depth, ev, (move) m, TT_TYPE_UPPER_BOUND);
      movepick_set_killer(node->ply, (move) m);
      return ev;
    else if (ev > lower_bound) {
      lower_bound = ev;
      critical_move = (move) m;
  transpositions_put(info->hash, depth, lower_bound, critical_move, tt_type);
  return lower_bound;

template <color active>
static inline move search_find_ponder(Board* node, move mov) {
  constexpr color opp = COLOR_OPPOSITE(active);
  makemove_make<active>(node, mov);
  ttkey hash = node->plyinfo[node->ply].hash;
  Bucket* bucket = transpositions_get(hash);
  makemove_takeback<opp>(node, mov);
  if (bucket->hash != hash) return MOVE_NONE;
  return bucket->ttmove;

template <color active, bool print>
static inline void search_set_results(SearchResult* result, Board* root, uint8_t depth, eval ev, move mov, long starttime) {
  long duration = stopwatch_wall_stop(starttime);
  if (print) printline(root, depth, ev, mov, duration);
  result->bestmove = mov;
  result->ponder = search_find_ponder<active>(root, mov);
  result->score = ev;
  result->duration_ms = duration;

template <color active, bool print>
static eval search_root(SearchResult* result,
                        Board* node,
                        uint8_t depth,
                        bool printcurr) {
  constexpr color opp = COLOR_OPPOSITE(active);
  long starttime = stopwatch_wall_start();
  Plyinfo *info = &node->plyinfo[node->ply];
  bool check = ischeck<active>(node);
  evalmove moves[128];
  uint8_t size = movegen_generate<active>(node, moves);
  if (size == 0) {
    eval e = check ? (EVAL_I_AM_CHECKMATED) : 0;
    search_set_results<active, print>(result, node, depth, e, 0, 0);
    return 0;
  node->active_initial = active;
  move ttmove = probe_tt_move(info->hash);
  movepick_annotate_list<active>(node, moves, size, ttmove);
  evalmove m = movepick_find_best(moves, size, 0);
  /*PVS: search pv move with full beta range*/
  makemove_make<active>(node, (move) m);
  eval lower_bound = -search_node<opp>(node, depth - 1, -EVAL_INFINITE, EVAL_INFINITE, false);
  makemove_takeback<opp>(node, (move) m);
  move best_move = (move) m;
  for (uint8_t n = 1; n < size; ++n) {
    if (async_is_stop_command_given && depth != 1) return 0;
    m = movepick_find_best(moves, size, n);
    piecetype piece = node->piecemap[MOVE_GET_ORIGIN(m)];
    if (printcurr && print) {
      parsing_printcurrmove((move) m, depth, n);
    makemove_make<active>(node, (move) m);
    uint8_t reduction = late_move_reduction<active>(depth, piece, m, check, ischeck<opp>(node));
    eval ev = -search_node<opp>(node, depth - reduction - 1, -lower_bound - 1, -lower_bound, true);
    /*PVS: if outside bounds search again with full range*/
    if (ev > lower_bound) {
      ev = -search_node<opp>(node, depth - 1, -EVAL_INFINITE, -lower_bound, false);
    makemove_takeback<opp>(node, (move) m);
    if (ev > lower_bound) {
      lower_bound = ev;
      best_move = (move) m;
  transpositions_put(info->hash, depth, lower_bound, best_move, TT_TYPE_EXACT);
  if (!async_is_stop_command_given || depth == 1) {
    search_set_results<active, print>(result, node, depth, lower_bound, best_move, starttime);
  return lower_bound;

template <color active, bool print>
static move search_iterative_templ(const Board* board, uint8_t maxdepth) {
  long start = stopwatch_wall_start();
  bool printcurr = false;
  SearchResult result = {MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NONE, EVAL_NONE, 0};
  Board node = *board; // copy board
  uint8_t depth = 1;
  while (depth <= maxdepth) {
    search_root<active, print>(&result, &node, depth, printcurr);
    if (depth == 1 && result.score == -EVAL_I_AM_CHECKMATED) break; // return directly if mate in 1
    if (depth == SEARCH_DEPTH_MAX) break;
    if (async_is_stop_command_given) break;
    if (time_management_check_stop()) break;
    printcurr = node_count > CURRMOVE_NODE_THRESHOLD;
  if (print) IO_PRINT("info string - searched for %.3fs\n", (double) stopwatch_wall_stop(start) / 1000);
  async_is_currently_searching = false;
  async_is_stop_command_given = false;
  if (print) parsing_printbestmove(result.bestmove, result.ponder);
  return result.bestmove;

move search_iterative(const Board* board, uint8_t depth, bool print) {
  return board->active
  ? print ? search_iterative_templ<BLACK, true>(board, depth) : search_iterative_templ<BLACK, false>(board, depth)
  : print ? search_iterative_templ<WHITE, true>(board, depth) : search_iterative_templ<WHITE, false>(board, depth);

std::future<move> search_async_depth(const Board* board, uint8_t depth, bool print) {
  if (async_is_currently_searching) IO_PRINT("info string - warn: already in a search!\n");
  if (async_is_currently_searching) {
    return move_none();
  async_is_currently_searching = true;
  async_is_stop_command_given = false;
  return std::async (std::launch::async, search_iterative, board, depth, print);

std::future<move> search_async_infinite(const Board* board, bool print) {
  return search_async_depth(board, SEARCH_DEPTH_MAX, print);

std::future<move> search_async_time(const Board* board, long ms, bool print) {
  std::thread(stopwatch_sleep, ms, search_async_stop).detach();
  return search_async_depth(board, SEARCH_DEPTH_MAX, print);

void search_async_stop(void) {
  IO_PRINT("info string - stopping ...\n");
  async_is_stop_command_given = true;

void search_async_printinfo(void) {
  uint64_t nodes = node_count;
  IO_PRINT("info nodes %" PRIu64 "\n", nodes);

bool search_is_searching(void) {
  return async_is_currently_searching;